Friday, October 31, 2008

From the kings of shoot foot.

The list of shame allegedly is making its rounds on e-mail. I wait eagerly for it to make my inbox so that I can read the names that I already know are there. No doubt the Deputy Prime minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Agriculture minister William Ruto are there. Both are in many Kenyan’s eyes guilty of organizing and perpetrating PEV, whether you defend on support them boils down to whether or not you feel their actions were justified. Millions are on ends of that divide. But there’s a marked difference between the two which tells us even if the real list is ever published who is likely to survive and who is probably going to enter the political backwater if not a cell.
William Ruto has spent the better part of the few weeks since the report was published in a public endeavor to discredit the report. These actions come a little too late. He’s gathered an army of MPs that can only hold one stake holder hostage, but not the country. He’s forgotten that, and he could provide the piece-meal PNU a rallying cry…and worse yet for him allow KANU a return to the Rift Valley. A collapse of ODM sad though it may be would not be a collapse of Kenya or even the government. Even if snap elections were called; the numerical advantage of the PNU-ODMK partnership would probably give mandate to that group. The masterminds of the violence had assumed in error that they would be in soul ownership of the government and sweep the events under the rug. Luckily for all Kenyans this did not happen a coalition government means that all purported the violence to see justice on both sides. On the other hand Uhuru has been the wise criminal, and showing that he knows politics. He has kept quiet for the most part and has refused to rock the boat. Frankly he’s been or at least pretending to be busy on other things. Uhuru seems to understand that it is innocent till proven guilty and has not gone on a PR disaster that will ruin his ultimate ambition of the top seat (a seat that Ruto himself covets). His tactics have boded well with people like me who feel that even if his hands are covered in blood; he doesn’t seem like a raving lunatic hell bent on his own ends. This probably makes him even more dangerous than Ruto, you don’t exactly extremely threatened.
The list is full of other names, who have responded in line with their intellect. We will not withhold judgment. There are no surprises as to whose going to be on the list…the surprise no doubt will be if our politic can handle this situation well. My bet they’ll push themselves in to irrelevance…I mean what can you expect when you have Ntimama supporting you?

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