Tuesday, April 19, 2011

True Patriots vs the Blogosphere

I’ve been simmering for a minute and decided to go ahead and look hypocritical and rant on the internet.
Kenyans! We have a beautiful country in so many ways. A look to our neigbours shows how blessed we really are, if you don’t believe it look at this! In Uganda when people threatened to protest the high cost of living the government response what to unleash the shield and truncheon. Ours faced with such a threat reacted by reducing duty on the most essentials (sorry folks petrol is not essential, however diesel and kerosene is critical) And it is my hope that more steps will be taken to shield us from the external factors creating inflationary pressure on our country. There are still criticisms of this government but this case was pretty impressive knowing the rate which government works.
However I have mad beef with the blogosphere- facebook-twitter “I’m mad at what the politicians are doing” crowd. First we and the government know for sure that that’s all they’ll do, create an angry facebook status. This is no Egypt people can be bought for cheap! The worst thing you can ask someone whose “arrived” is to get out of their vitz and be democratic. No democracy is not voting, that is a democratic process within the overarching system. I get mad frustrated when people somehow think I’m not being patriotic by refusing to vote at a general election but really it’s hardly my right if I didn’t even involve myself in other parts of democracy (and who’s to say I don’t love my country if I don’t believe in democracy anyway?). The FBTC (facebook twitter crowd) miss this and imagine that going to the ballot box on Election Day and voting somehow will propagate a free and fair system when in fact all it does is guarantee the corruption of the system. You leave the poor masses to make the decision for you and you’re shocked that the choices are not up to scratch. Let me put it like this; if you were babysitting a child and let them decide what they wanted for dinner, you can easily guess the choices the child will make; Chips, Pizza, Candy, all the above most of all no vegetables (YUCK!). However when it comes to our voting habits we do the same thing, we let the idle and uneducated chose the menu at the primary level, then come to the table to eat on election day feeling very democratic with our kenya rugby or harambee stars t-shirt and get "surprised" with what is on offer. Well truth is the collective stomach ache is your fault, you know better but haven’t done much beyond a bird song about it. You want change; blast your MP’s mail box with letters. If you want our politics to become issues based, join an issues based pressure group and bother your representative. If you want the IDPs to be resettled stop saying “Kenyatta has land” and shame the government in to doing something. Ultimately the failure of Kenya will be in the fact that those who could (ie middle class…and if you’re reading this you’re there!) did nothing while the rich manipulated the poor for their ends.
I keep hearing the mantra that somewhere in Kenya there’s a leader who will bring us out of all this; the Moses of Kenya, lol What we don’t realize is Moses was created by God, He learned to govern in the house of pharaoh and Jethro, both as a political and spiritual leader…lesson here we still need the institutions to bring up that so called Moses, are your angry tweets and status updates going to do that?
Like I said I’m about to look like a hypocrite but #justsayin true patriots are the cats out there doing it, the rest of us need to stop stepping in their shine and shut up or back up our anger with action.

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