Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lunchtime blog Version #1 - SCALPING

I have dry skin: no, dry is an understatement! My skin rivals the Atacama Desert in Chile which hasn’t had rain for thousands of years dry; ‘have I been rolling around in a fire pit?’- ashy. Its one of those things that ensures that by noon my elbows look like they’ve seen a ghost, but that’s not of bother. I’ve learned to manage it in a properly manic way of either completely ignoring at times and on other occasions walking around with a travel size bottle of lotion. However the part I can’t stand is dandruff, which only shows up when I go to the barber. I gets so bad the dude starts singing Christmas carols as he gives me my cut, continued with a joke about “snow in the tropics” etc. (I am thankful that I don’t “shed” during other times, because it’s hard to look serious at a meeting when you have snow drifts on your shoulders.) Now solutions I’ve been given thus far:
1. Stop using anti-dandruff shampoo which may be too hard on your delicate scalp (the fact that the word “delicate” was used clearly this was a woman’s advice) …yeah WRONG!
2. My barber who told me hair food was the solution. Yup! I have hair fuller and softer than a Somali but my scalp is still the testing ground for vehicles that are designed for harsh desolate environments.

Maybe it’s the water and I should behave like those Nouveau riche types and only use Perrier to wash my hair, but that would mean wearing a shower cap which is generally against man-laws and common sense. Furthermore I don’t think my scalp is that valuable to warrant going broke…So yeah point is I’m in the market for solutions, nothing expensive and nothing nasty like washing with egg yolks!