Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Peter who?

What ever happened to the phrase never trust a man with two first names? But here we are looking at a dude supposed to be Kenya's next great hope (according to the Americans...or so i hear) Peter Kenneth star is quickly rising in Kenyan politics, but personally i don't know who the dude is?
So i bumped into the guy's facebook fan page, and it has every appearance of someone about to make a run for the big office or a big office, except a few critical things. Other than a few #iuseobama'sspeechwriter comments i don't know about this dude. I'm not being disparaging in anyway but really if this is the guy us "youths" (by the way the plural of youth is youth!) are meant to be rallying behind It would be nice for us to have an idea of who you are. Get online get your message out there, now contrast with Najib Balala's website, who has a glossy website has the look of someone who is trying to get us all to imagine he's a future president, DUDE you can even download his vision brochure! I don't know the use of such a thing but its there. Uhuru Kenyatta is another example, UK's facebook page is a slick "look how hard i'm working" piece that has tons of pictures with him doing his daily thing, you can see a brief of what he's done in his public life...Basically well managed by a publicist who knows what he's doing.

So i honestly don't know why I care, other than to say the dude needs a publicist, now back to the regularly scheduled programme in Deux président Côte-d'Ivoire

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Homosexual Debate part 2

In light of the Prime Minister's recent comments that Homosexuals should be arrested we take a second (sigh) look at the whole homosexuality in Africa discussion began here. Once again i will state from the on set that Homosexuality is completely incompatible with my belief system furthermore my cultural up bringing. So a change on my views on this issue requires a fundamental change in my belief and cultural structures. However my rejection of homosexuality as a valid form of human relations should not (and does not) translate to homophobia. Harassing and arresting does little for any logical argument against this lifestyle and why a country and a government may chose to be against gay marriage etc. I would that the PM backtrack on his comments but not not necessarilty entirely his views. In the context of cultures and political discourse we must show that opposition and are opinions are clearly thought out and explained and not just rejection because of fear. There are many areas where the PM may choose to engage this discussion to provide some understanding and clarity, particularly because i feel that in this particular discussion the majority is misunderstood in the face of loud minorities on the wings of this discussion. Pandering to the wing nuts may score quick political points but is the kind of victory that ultimately leads to defeat. It is my hope that future utterances from the RT Hon will reflect an intelligent approach to an issue that raises emotions regardless of what position you take.